I replied to
Emlyn Boyle who commented:
"The LGBTQ community isn’t going to shut up about this until something else distracts them.
And that sentence alone is why I call BS on this article. At least be honest about your own homophobia/transphobia? And yeah right, I bet if Chapelle was mocking straight/cis white guys/wannabes like you, then you would be writing an article condemning him. At least Chapelle’s honest about his LGBTQ bigotry. I also love how guys like you both whine about cancel culture, yet have no problem dissing those you have an insecure issues with (and then you play crybaby victim). Now that’s real comedy. Your article is a joke."
I said "Your reading comprehension is a joke." He blocked me after responding. I can't see the response. If you want to block me, fine, but why respond to my post if I can't even see it and appreciate your snark? Fanny.