Being Shat Upon From A Great Height

3 min readMar 15, 2023

or: Tessa Commented On My Article

jeffjacobs1990 on pixababy no copyright

So this morning, I woke up crying to myself about my sister, how she’s spent a lifetime taking what’s hers and what’s mine. I woke up frustrated that my kid has fucked up the period key on my keyboard and so writing is even more of a challenge. I woke up stressed about the lump in my breast and whether it means I have another cyst or if I’m just going to leave a great looking corpse.

I wake up in a state most days and have to chill myself out. This morning, I got amazing hugs and it made the waking up easier.

I freely admit that I am a fucked up asshole. I like me, but you might not. That’s okay with me, mate.

Unless you’re Grimsby Hackney. He has contractual obligations with the Devil that mean he has to be nice to me. Hahahahaha!

So I open Medium for some free brain juice, hoping for some little notifications to make my seratonin go ‘brrr’.

It finally happened. Tessa S. has commented. Twice!

My latest article has attracted the attention of the great and mysterious Tessa S., a long time Medium writer and reader. She seemed to like my piece…. I think?

At the end of the article, I was using a short lesson the Rabbi tells. A koan, of sorts. The lesson is about Truth vs Fact…




Observer. I bitch about politics, parenting, and whatever else takes my fancy. I like old people. Use my link: