The UK’s Beige Revolution

Auntie Sylvie
4 min readJul 10, 2024
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay no copyright

The UK election has come and gone with all the excitement of a 10 year old’s birthday party, but in this metaphor, you’re 35 so. . .meh.

Scotland is nonplussed, as ever, by the change of hats at Westminster. We continue to have an SNP government under John Swinney, ourselves. I feel sure Mr. Swinney will do better things for Scotland than either the Scottish Tories or Scottish Labour.

I suppose there is a chance things will turn out for the best in the United Kingdom. I do hope so. But, I just find Keir Starmer so mutable. So adequate. We shall see what happens, but I suspect there will be a very nice attempt to make stone soup, followed by more austerity with a different name. There is no money left. Tories et it all.

So our new PM will have limited goals at first. If the market likes what he does, we may see a return to preCovid levels of growth. I think things were still shite back then, frankly, so more dramatic change would be nice, but I have low expectations.

I think of our little island nation now, and I feel almost sympathetic for the new boss ( same as the old boss ). He reminds me of nothing so much as clumsy old badger, out there wandering in the wilderness, timidly camoflauging himself to suit his surroundings and somehow, somehow surviving and ending up in Number 10.



Auntie Sylvie
Auntie Sylvie

Written by Auntie Sylvie

Observer. I bitch about politics, parenting, and whatever else takes my fancy. I like old people. Use my link:

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