Well, since we are being honest: Your list format is shit and not very creative. Sorry my life bores you. I get bored by it sometimes, too. Next time, just skip reading my stuff. I don't want any hostages.
Also, fuck you dude. I guess your feedback is that you aren't my audience. If you were attempting to critique my writing, provide actual feedback. I also write some fiction and you haven't bothered to read it. If anything put me off ever writing for anyone else ever again, it has to be your monetization of insulting me.
Maybe it wasn't my best piece, but thanks for immortalising your disdain.
I see your bio says comedy first -I had put some rahrah shit about the English in here, but I can leave it out.
If I see you on the street for revolution, I got your back even though I think you're a cockwomble. If I just see you on the street but no revolution, I will probably shout "Feck off back home, you English cunt!".
Good talk.