What a great article. More people should just bow to faith. Mysteries are okay!
I like the way my Rabbi explains good deeds and bad deeds in G-d's eyes. It goes something like: G-d needs us. We were sent to fix the lowest world, where death exists, and make it holy so He can join us here. He needs us to do good deeds to bring Him back. Sinning doesn't send you to some kind of Hell in Judaism, it just means you have to come back and live again and work on the part of your soul that didn't learn it's lesson last time. Rabbi says that each part of our soul that incarnates will still get its own body back when He returns and makes us all whole again. That part I find so far out, but again - some things are mysteries and that's beautiful and okay! The Rabbi explains so many things well. When I realised that G-d needs ME, I don't need Him, I was even more inspired to bow to His mystery and serve Him with faith. I know that sounds crazy, but He made us, didn't he? What did an omnipotent G-d make us for if he didn't need us? Anyway, the Rabbi Manis Friedman explains it better. Thanks for making me think good things.